Sarah Terez Rosenblum

Sarah Terez Rosenblum’s work has appeared in literary magazines such as The Hopkins Review (Forthcoming 2024), The Normal School, Prairie Schooner (Shortlisted for Prairie Schooner’s Summer 2020 Creative Nonfiction Prize), Diagram, Brevity, Carve and Third Coast. In 2023 Sarah was a finalist for Kenyon Review’s Short Nonfiction Contest and Sarah’s new novel manuscript, The Idea of Heat was a semifinalist for Black Lawrence Press's 2023 Big Moose prize. Sarah has written for sites including Salon, The Chicago Sun Times, The Satirist, and Pop Matters. A two time Pushcart Prize nominee, Sarah holds an MFA in Creative Writing from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Sarah is a Creative Coach and Developmental Editor, and teaches creative writing at Story Studio where Sarah was voted 2022 Teacher of the Year, and at The University of Chicago Writer’s Studio where Sarah was the 2022 winner of The Innovation in Teaching Award. Sarah’s novel, Herself When She's Missing, was called “poetic and heartrending" by Booklist.