Sarah Reading Live at Allium Publication Event
Sarah will be reading at the Allium, A Journal of Poetry & Prose Publication Release Event. You can attend in person, or watch the event...

Sarah's Short Story "Hopscotch" Published at Surely
You can read "Hopscotch" at surelymag.com

Sarah is nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize by Allium: A Journal of Poetry and Prose
Sarah is honored to have been nominated for the 2023 Pushcart Prize by Allium: A Journal of Poetry and Prose Read it here.

Sarah's Story "The Objective Now" Published by Allium
Sarah's short story, "The Objective Now", was published by Allium, A Journal of Poetry & Prose. Read it here:...

Sarah's Upcoming Novel, The Idea of Heat, Selected as a Big Moose Semi-Finalist
Each year Black Lawrence Press will award The Big Moose Prize for an unpublished novel. The prize is open to new, emerging, and...

Sarah is Interviewed by The Chicago Writers Podcast
Listen here: https://chicagowriterspodcast.libsyn.com/ep-38-sarah-terez-rosenblum-author-on-developmental-editors-sharing-work-and-why-yo...

Sarah's Essay "How To Be" Now Available Online
Sarah's essay "How To Be", shortlisted for Prairie Schooner's 2020 non-fiction prize, is now available. Click here to read it.

Sarah is Interviewed by Go Solo
What does empathy have to do with running your own business? Check out Go Solo's interview with Sarah to find out!

Check out Sarah's curated list of novels about obsession at Shepherd.com